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Surfing Etiquette in Sydney
Image Courtesy of Destination NSW

The image of a surfer is an appealing one – all freedom and ease,  living in the moment and connecting with the great forces of nature.

So it might surprise you to learn that surfing, like so much in life, is governed by rules.

These accepted codes of behaviour are not enforced by law and are often unspoken, but break them and you might feel the full force of another surfer’s or swimmer’s wrath. You could also injure someone or yourself.

So before you hit the waves on the Northern Beaches, get yourself up to speed with a general understanding of surfing safety, etiquette and accepted behaviour.

  • Look first: Always spend time checking out the surf before you get into the water. If it’s overcrowded or the conditions are beyond your ability, don’t go out.
  • Paddle wide of the breaking waves: Don’t paddle out through the line-up where the waves are breaking and people are surfing. Try to find a rip or current to carry you out, or paddle out on the shoulder of the break where no one is surfing.
  • Don’t surf between the flags: On beaches patrolled by lifeguards, the area designated for swimming is indicated by red and yellow flags.
  • Don’t throw your board: Learn to duck-dive your board under the waves. If you absolutely must discard your board, make sure no one is behind you or nearby.
  • Don’t drop in: The surfer on the ‘inside’, ie, closest to the breaking part of the wave, has right of way. Dropping in is not only dangerous, it is also a major cause of surf rage.
  • Don’t ‘snake’: Snaking involves jumping the queue to get on a wave. Wait your turn.

One of the best ways to learn all about the surf and surfing is to take some lessons with one of our local schools. It’s the best introduction for those new to surfing or even if you just want to brush up on your skills and glean a bit of local knowledge.

While the ocean is free for all, for the sake of everyone’s safety and wellbeing it’s important that it doesn’t become a free-for-all.


Surf safe. Stay safe. Have fun.